
Individuals Families Others Own charts
Total individuals: 197
Total males Total females Total living Total dead
144 49 123 74
Males [73.1%], Females [24.9%], Unknown [2%] Living [62.4%], Dead [37.6%]

Total births Total deaths
35 25
Births by century Deaths by century
Births by century Deaths by century
Earliest birth Earliest death
兖陳一一六世玉湖六世永春本支 钦绍子 以孙文龙贵封安国公赠太师 ‎(I14)‎
Birth 1145
通直公陳一一五世华美一世 未見出處暫作钦叙子 名仲徽 ‎(I13)‎
Birth 1165
Death 1214 ‏(Age 49)‏
Latest birth Latest death
This information is private and cannot be shown. 莲娘郑双承 子一曰诗忠 养女 二:亚琴、淑霞 ‎(I184)‎
Birth 1920
Death 2002 ‏(Age 82)‏ -- 抚孤儿诗来(弟金显之子)

Average age at death Males Females
65 years 61 years 69 years
Average age related to death century

Top age at death
Males Females

Total surnames Total given names
31 171
Top surnames Top given names
陳 - 153, Other - 44 —— - 3, 凤娘 - 2, 江 - 2, 济荣 - 1, 巧玲 - 1, 琼珠 - 1, 书泽 - 1, Other - 186